Sharing the Gospel of grace through the splendor of dance

Ages 2.5-4.5
Behind all the fun and adventure of each themed class dancers are being inspired to learn through these an international syllabi crafted by the Royal Academy of Dance and mastered by registered teacher and director Anna G Johnson. Using themes, props, and charming music, dancers will learn an entire range of movements, musical skills, and performance qualities.
Dancers will learn:
Confidence, Control, Coordination, Body awareness, Sensitivity to music, Spacial awareness
& a love for performing.
Princess 1 is designed for dancers ages 2.5-4
Princess 2 is designed for dancers ages 4-5
AcroDance Citrine is for dancers ages 2.5-4

Trilliant Cut
Starting at age 5
These Royal Academy of Dance programs are designed to promote fun and enjoyment that are relevant to a young child's developmental stage and not only provide high standards of dance training but also develop physical and structural skills, stamina, creativity, expression, and musicality which are beneficial to students' continuous development in life and in dance.
Dancers now have the opportunity to take tap
& perform with Encounter Performing Arts Company
Trilliant 1 is designed for dancers age 5
Trilliant 2 is designed for dancers ages 6-7
Trilliant 3 is designeed for dancers ages 8+
AcroDance Trilliant begins with level Ruby

Radiant Cut
By ability starting at age 9
Achieving excellence through the international standard set forth by the Royal Academy of Dance & Acrobatic Arts, dancers will be inspired to perform with not only great technique but also expression, passion, and artful honesty.
Dancers now have the opportunity to add Contemporary & Pre-Pointe to their ballet & tap classes
Radiant 1 is designed for dancers age 9+ and now includes Pre-Pointe and Contemporary dance
Radiant 2 is designed for dancers ages 10+ and now includes Pre-Pointe and Contemporary dance.
AcroDance Radiant begins with level Sapphire

Marquise Cut
By invitation
Every Marquise student is encouraged to be a part of the Lustrous Leadership Team where they focus on the value of LEADING other students by example and sharing their unique gifts. Here they will learn what Godly servant leadership is about and will be invited to be boldly leading the way for all younger dancers.
Dancers now have the honor of being part of our
Lustrous Leadership Team and joining the studio mentorship program
Marquise 1A is designed for dancers who have completed Radiant 2
Marquise 1B is deisnged for those ready to take at least twice a week at the Marquise level
Marquise 2 is open to dancers who have completed Marquise 1B
AcroDance Marquise extends through the Pre-Professional level
Exclusive add on program - Encounter Marquise - Join with company members from Encounter Performing Arts Company as you take class together once a week and learn ballet, pointe and worship dance together and have the ability to perform twice yearly with Encounter in special performances.

Brilliant Cut
Brilliant dancers just as brilliant cut diamonds are able to show off their sparkle and shine more than any other cut. In order to get to this level of performance dedication and commitment are needed Brilliant classes meet three times a week, ensuring a mastery in ballet technique and skills.
Seniors are given a solo if they were a part of Grace Ballet during their junior year and are crowned during a special ceremony during recital when going into their senior year.
Brilliant dancers are able to audition for soloist roles in our winter production by
being a part of Encounter. Solos are choreographed intentionally with each Brilliant dancer's strengths and uniquetalents in mind. Dancers learn how
movement and musicality can turn choreography into a complex character.
Mentorships are available for those interested in learning how to teach dance.